Tips &Tricks for running a restaurant
The Chef is the key to a successful business.
Running a restaurant is a precarious business; it’s costly to start up because of the necessary investment in equipment and furnishings. And you’re dealing in a perishable product (food), so there’s the potential for a lot of waste, which translates into wasted money. Finding the perfect location is critical. The ideal area has a lot of foot traffic, but rent in such a desirable location can be astronomical. If you somehow find a great space for reasonable rent in an undiscovered but up-and-coming area, you can be sure you won’t be the only restaurant there for long.
Finding the perfect location is critical. The ideal area has a lot of foot traffic, but rent in such a desirable location can be astronomical. If you somehow find a great space for reasonable rent in an undiscovered but up-and-coming area, you can be sure you won’t be the only restaurant there for long.
Competition for so-called “share of stomach” is cutthroat. You’re competing with other restaurants that are like yours, restaurants that are more casual or swankier than yours, restaurants offering a different style of cuisine. You’re constantly under pressure to market your restaurant as a desirable destination.A restaurateur wants both to attract a loyal following and to draw new, first-time patrons, so you must offer a core menu of favorite dishes while regularly revising and updating the daily, weekly, or seasonal specials. Because after all is said and done, it’s really about the food.That’s what makes a good chef so valuable. The chef is the one key element that can You may already know what restaurant chefs do, or think you know. Restaurant chefs cook. In restaurants. That’s all there is to it – right?
Perhaps you even harbor a fantasy of a professional chef at work: Dressed in an immaculate white uniform and hat, holding court in a gleaming, stainless-steel kitchen, presiding over a busy team of diligent and accomplished sous-chefs. Every so often, a cry of “My compliments to the chef!” is heard from the dining room and the chef is summoned to the table of a rich and powerful person to be praised.
Such a fantasy is loosely based in reality. But a chef may also serve as an accountant, inventory maintenance clerk, personal coach, and chief bottle-washer. A chef wears many hats besides just a toque. This guide will introduce you to a career as a restaurant chef. You’ll learn what chefs do when they’re not cooking, supervising their assistants, or being treated like royalty. We’ll tell you what kind of training and education you’ll need, what’s appealing about this career and what are the necessary evils, and the personal qualifications you should possess.
You’ll also find out what chefs earn and what the outlook is for this career. And we’ll tell you how to get started right away. Like most artists, those who practice the culinary arts say they can’t imagine making their living any other way. Cooking is simply something they have to do. Whatever difficulties chefs encounter and sacrifices they must make along the way are far outweighed by the joy and satisfaction they derive from just doing their jobs.